Information Hiding
and its Applications
Steganography and Watermarking
A detailed look at Steganography
◦ Text Steganography
◦ Hypertext Steganography
◦ Audio Steganography
◦ Image Steganography
◦ Steganography in Open System
Image Steganography Techniques
◦ Spatial Domain LSB Insertion
◦ Masking and Filtering
◦ DCT-based Steganography
◦ Wavelet-based Steganography
How to Detect Steganography
◦ Blind Detection
◦ Analytical Detection


• Overview Papers and Articles about
Steganography and Steganalysis.
• Articles and Papers about Image-based
Steganography Methods.
• Theses about Steganography and Steganalysis.
• Articles and Papers about Steganalysis. |
Theses about Steganography and Steganalysis
Image Steganography for Hidden Communication, by
Lisa M. Marvel, 1999.
Robust Techniques for Hiding Data in Images and
Video, by Jong Jin Chae, 2000.
Information Hiding in Digital Images:
Watermarking and Steganography, by Po-Chyi Su,
Image Data Hiding, by Zhicheng Ni, 2005.
Image Steganography for Hidden Communication
Lisa &I. Marvel
dissertation submitted to the Faculty of the
University of Delaware in partial fulfillment of
the requirements for the degree of Doctor of
Philosophy in Electrical Engineering Spring
1999. |
Modem steganographic met hods. which conceal the
existence of communication, are needed to
exploit contemporary modes of information
exchange. Measures of performance for these
methods are essential to compare specific
algorithms and determine appropriate uses. This
dissertation develops a methodology for stegane
graphic data hiding. The methodology encompasses
derivation of a general theory of steganographic
communication, including theoretical capacity
bounds. and design of an actual data-hiding
technique that uses digital imagery as a cover.
The technique promotes maximization of payload,
allows error-free recovery of embedded data. and
provides some resilience to removal while
concealing the existence of the embedded
information from the observer and the observer's
resources. We begin the presentation of our work
by reviewing ancient steganography and surveying
relevant literature in the areas. From this
review. the need for a general methodology and
for performance met rics to compare
steganographic techniques becomes evident. We
address these needs by developing a general
steganographic communication theory based on
informat ion theory. and deriving theoretical
bounds of capacity for one particulax class of
steganographic systems. The capacity measure is
then applied to image steganography resulting in
a much needed performance metric. We then
introduce a complete system for image
steganography. entitled Spread Spectrum Image
Steganography, that adheres to our primary goals
of high payload, reliable recovery, robustness
to removal, and imperceptibility. One component
of this system, a covert modulation technique
designed for improved detection |
Robust Techniques for Hiding Data in Images and
Jong Jin Chae
Dissertation submitted in partial satisfaction
of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of
Philosophy in Electrical and Computer
Engineering. |
this thesis we present a study and development
of robust techniques for hiding data in images
and video. In recent years, the internet and the
world wide web have revolutionalized the way in
which digital data is distributed. The
widespread and easy access to multimedia content
has motivated development of technologies for
digital steganography or data hiding. Much of
the recent work in data hiding is about
copyright protection and authentication of
multimedia data. Such digital watermarking
typically require very few bits, and the
objectives include robustness to attacks on the
data. On the other hand, the primary goal of the
research presented here is to deveIop techniques
for hiding large amounts of multimedia data such
as text, images, audio, and video, in images and
video. In developing these techniques, emphasis
is on robustness to signal compression as it is
one of the mostly frequently performed signal
processing operation on the data. The thesis
presents new techniques for such data embedding
using well known transforms such as the Discrete
Cosine Transform (DCT) and the Discrete Wavelet
Transform (DWT). We utilize spread spectrum
embedding and lattice encoding to hide signature
data that is as much as 25% of the host data
size. The signature data can be gray scale or
color images or video sequences or audio data.
The host signals explored include images and
video. We demonstrate robustness to PEG and MPEG
compression that include both lossless and iossy
hidden data recovery. We present methods that do
not need the original host data for signature
signal recovery. The work presented here
significantly advances the state of the art in
multimedia data hiding, and has the potential of
creating a whole new domain of applications
including embedded control of multimedia data,
smart multimedia objects, and video/audio
quality control. |
Information Hiding in Digital Images :
Watermarking and Steganography
Po-Chyi Su
Dissertation Presented to the Faculty of the
Graduate School University of Southern
California in Partial Fulfillment of the
Requirements for the Degree Doctor of
Philosophy (Electrical Engineering). |
Information hiding in multimedia data has drawn
a lot of attention in recent years. A message is
hidden in digital images, video and audio in an
imperceptible manner so as not to interfere with
the normal usage of these host media files while
its existence can be helpful for some
interesting applications. The hidden information
related to content protection is usually termed
Digztal Watermark. The recent proliferation of
the information-hiding research mostly comes
from the development of digital watermarking
techniques to meet the pressing need of content
protection. The other interesting application is
to transmit a large volume of data covertly in a
multimedia file via information hiding. The
objective in this application is to conceal the
very existence of the hidden information using
the innocuous multimedia data as a camouflage.
Data hiding under this scenario is often termed
Steganography, which literally means "covered
writing." In this research, we focus on
information hiding in digital images. The
dissertation consists of two major parts. In the
first part, we investigate information hiding in
the state-of-the-art still image codec,
JPEG-2000. A joint compression/watermarking
scheme is proposed for the copyright protection
purpose. Next, we consider steganography in
JPEG-2000. Algorithms are developed to ensure
that a high volume of data can be hidden
reliably in JPEG-2000 compressed images. In the
second part, we aim at solving a very
challenging problem in digital image
watermarking, i.e., synchronized detection under
geometrical modifications. In order to derive a
robust watermarking scheme resilient to affine
transformations, we propose to embed a
structural grid signal into digital images for
synchronized watermark detection. A
spatial-frequency composite watermarking scheme
is designed so that the watermark can survive
attacks such as rotation, scaling and cropping,
etc. A perceptual watermarking scheme using
block-based DCT methodology is also developed.
It turns out that grid embeddingldetection is of
great help in developing generalized block-based
watermarking as well. Finally, the dissertation
ends with some concluding remarks and some
future research topics as an extension of our
current research. |
Image Data Hiding
Zhicheng Ni
Dissertation Submitted to the Faculty of New
Jersey Institute of Technology in Partial
Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree
of Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical
Engineering Department of Electrical and
Computer Engineering January 2005. |
Image data hiding represents a class of
processes used to embed data into cover images.
Robustness is one of the basic requirements for
image data hiding. In the first part of this
dissertation, 2D and 3D interleaving techniques
associated with error-correctioncode (ECC) are
proposed to significantly improve the robustness
of hidden data against burst errors. In most
cases, the cover image cannot be inverted back
to the original image after the hidden data are
retrieved. In this dissertation, one novel
reversible (lossless) data hiding technique is
then introduced. This technique is based on the
histogram modification, which can embed a large
amount of data while keeping a very high visual
quality for all images. The performance is hence
better than most existing reversible data hiding
algorithms. However, most of the existing
lossless data hiding algorithms are fragile in
the sense that the hidden data cannot be
extracted correctly after compression or small
alteration. In the last part of this
dissertation, we then propose a novel robust
lossless data hiding technique based on
patchwork idea and spatial domain pixel
modification. This technique does not generate
annoying salt-pepper noise at all, which is
unavoidable in the other existing robust
lossless data hiding algorithm. This technique
has been successfully applied to many commonly
used images, thus demonstrating its generality. |