Steganography is a data hiding technique that has been used in the applications of information protection. It transmits a secret message by hiding it into a cover object to create a hidden way of communication. Steganography has the same goal as cryptography since they aim to protect sensitive information. But they differ in the way of working; Cryptography converts the plain message into an unreadable encrypted message where the presence of the cryptography is not concealed, while steganography smuggles the message by embedding it into an innocent-looking object and thus creating an invisible communication channel.

The techniques of steganography have been developed in the field of digital objects such as JPEG images, where we can make the JPEG image a container for a secret message by embedding the message Bits within it. The JPEG image will represent a hidden communication channel, where no one knows what it contains except the sender and intended receiver.

Matlab tools and code related to JPEG-based steganography:
The F5 algorithm MATLAB code.
The M4JPEG steganography tool.
Phil Sallee’s MATLAB JPEG toolbox.

Author: W. Al Chamaa